Monday, May 05, 2014

In anticipation of Mother's Day

Most folks have coffee cups that match their plateware.  We do too, but those cups are either stored elsewhere, or have migrated to the back of the shelf.  Instead, I reach into the cupboard and see a dozen mugs that have been gifted to me or us by friends or family.  Every time I pick up a coffee mug, I look at it and smile, and thank the heavens for that person's presence in my life and send wishes and hopes for a good life to them. Many of these people live far away, and I do so wish we all lived closer together. 

There are three mugs that were gifted to me, and I treasure them.  If given a choice, these are the ones I use. 
My eldest son gave me the mug on the left; my second son the middle, and my daughter the one on the right.  They are the best things I have done in my life, and I love them dearly.   I do hope they know just how very much they are loved.

Ahem.  that was mushy and I will now wipe my eyes and in general clean up.  Excuse me while I do so.

There has been knitting over the past six weeks.  One finished object that I will not show.  It grew in the dryer, and I am pondering whether it needs to be re-knit.   Other knitting includes the Edwardian Cardigan

I have one front completed and am halfway thru the armhole on the back.   This leaves me the left front, two sleeves and at least one million tails to weave in.   I am very seriously contemplating working the button bands on the knitting machine so that I can make the band doubled, braid the tails together and then bury them into the band.   Anyone have a compelling argument why I shouldn't do so?   The yarns I am using are Cascade Heritage (x2), Misti Handpaint Sock (x3), Estelle Sock It To Me, Never Enough Wool, Lang and Fame Trends.  Yes, nine colours of sock yarn.   It is possible I need my head examined; however, I expect the finished cardigan will totally be worth it.

I am also working a lace shawl from Jane Sowerby's Victorian Lace Today.  
This is a mystery yarn given to me by the person who asked for said knitting.  I got to choose the pattern of my choice, so I selected "The Victoria Shawl" on page 153.   It is a fun and easy knit and I am currently two-thirds thru the body of the shawl.  

In fact, the shawl is easy enough that I have been watching "Sherlock" and/or listening to podcasts while knitting.  I am particularly fond of Curious Handmade and Stash and Burn.  Both generally offer a smile, a laugh, and even helpful ideas for techniques or patterns.  Check them out if you have some spare time.   You just might enjoy them!

Our knitting community at the store has thrown down a challenge for themselves.   If they complete 2,500 finished objects by midnight August 31, Barb and I will appear in a bathtub of yarn on the front of our 2015 N.E.W. Calendar.  I see today they have upped the ante by declaring if they manage to exceed the goal, we have to appear on the back cover as well.   We are currently at 1,064 or thereabouts on the tally board.  AND my definition of "community" includes folks who drop by the store or blog ... Which means that folks like my friends Christy and Phyllis, and my niece Megan also get to assist in the tally. Keep 'em coming, folks.  Barb and I are ecstatic at the numbers, impressed by the depth and breadth of the projects, and terrified.  

You know, if knitters ruled the world, I bet there wouldn't be poverty, global climate change or wars, AND there'd be a cure for cancer.