Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother’s Day!

 And what a beautiful day it is.  The weather is very steadily improving, and there is SO MUCH GREEN outside.  We can proceed with dock installation, followed by boat lifts and boats.  I am so very excited for all these things.

I have actually gotten caught up on my sock knitting for 2024.  I finished these two pair —

Sorry the picture isn’t great.  This is partly an effort to maintain some element of surprise for the recipients.  The pair on the left are Koigu, with a cast on of 68 stitches.  The other is a combination of Wisdom Yarns Pace for rib, heel and toes and some Noro for the body.  Deep stash projects, both.  

Barb had been doing some stash reorganization and discovered a skein of Noro something or other, which had mohair.  No idea how or why it was in her stash as she is allergic to mohair.  So she handed it to me with a request to “do something!” I obliged. 

This is a basic beanie, with the addition of Lion Brand Fun Fur for the ribbing portion.  All in all, I thought it was a nice use of wool.  Enough to make the hat, too little left over to save.

I have gotten the urge to clean and tidy of late.  I started in the bedroom, and have made great headway.  A corner that was filled with boxes, gift bags and tissue paper is now vacuumed, dusted and clear.  I moved around the corner and worked on my reading pile.  Also dusted, vacuumed and tidied. 

And now the embarrassing part … I tackled the yarn hoard.  I did find some yarns to donate to a local charity; I decided that my collection of straight and double point needles need not remain in my possession.  I even found some balls of yarn that were ridiculously small and should never have been saved. Which leaves me with this —

Oh my word, stars and garters.  I suppose you would not be surprised to read that I am heading back into the fray to find storage for these beauties.  

There is some good news out of all this — My daughter had brought an assortment of socks and a scarf to me in hopes of having them mended.  I have found them, and now have a good understanding of how to make the repairs.  She WILL see them again!


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