Wednesday, July 20, 2005

What do you do when it's too hot to knit?

When it's so hot that ice cubes melt before you can pour in the water? When it's so hot that sweat drips down your face before you even get out of bed in the morning?Posted by Picasa

You do like Henry ... sprawl in the shade with your four paws to the wind.

And pray that there's wind.

Fortunately, the heat seems to have ever so slightly lessened and knitting can and will resume tomorrow.

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Dulaan Project

Now that the dust has settled over at Mossy Cottage Knits and the count is in for the Dulaan Project does not mean it is time to rest on our collective laurels. There will be more cold young 'uns the world around -- if not in Mongolia, then Korea, or even closer to home -- in Canada.

Meredith from F.I.R.E. has left me a comment stating that they will be collecting items for shipment in July of 2006.

With that in mind, I've already started knitting for 2006. And this is what I've accomplished! Posted by Picasa

Two size 4 sweaters for little girls.

Anyone else want to help make 2006 as successful as 2005?