Sunday, August 21, 2022

Highlight of 2022 -- So Far!

2022 is the year that we come out of Covid travel restrictions.  This may not seem like such a big deal to most folks, but for my daughter and her fiance, it was a Very Big Deal.  They had gotten engaged in the first summer of Covid -- 2022.  They were hoping for a wedding in 2021, when they could have a nice party without requiring everyone to wear a mask.  As we all know, 2021 was not that year.  

2022, however, was.  They planned a summer wedding, in his parents' back yard.  The weather was mostly cooperative -- the rain held off until just after the last table was served.  And the rain was only a half-hearted effort -- just enough to kind of cool things off.  And then ... there was a rainbow.  It was, quite honestly, magical. 

Carrie had her good friend design and sew the dress.  It was finished almost at the last minute, but was WELL worth the effort and wait.  The groom obtained a very nice suit for the day.

Don't they look happy?   Turns out that in Alberta, you can pay a fee and anyone can perform a marriage ceremony.  They persuaded their friend to do the honours, and he did an exemplary job.  It was very personalized, and perfect for these two young adults.  

Here are some more pictures of The Dress -- 

There are three layers to the dress itself, with Chantilly lace on the bodice.  It was just perfect for my girl. 

Both of my sons were able to attend, requiring flights from Arizona and Washington.  Miraculously, there was very little drama involved.  (Someday I will tell you all the adventures my Jeff endured while flying various places.)  Jason came over to the AirBnB we rented, and pictures were taken!

It was such an awesome time to hang out with the two of them and watch their "baby" sister be all grown up.  The two of them gave a very nice impromptu speech, unrehearsed.  I understand that Jeff had some ideas, that were pretty much all scrapped in favour of Jason's off-the-cuff speech.  Jeff did contribute a most memorable line and item -- a coffee mug emblazoned with "Most Okayest Sister," which was received with great laughter.  Considering that she is the only sister they had for much of their lives ... 

This trip was also an opportunity for Jeff to introduce his Young Lady to the family.  We had sort of met via video chats, which was delightful.  Even better was to meet her in person and watch the interactions between the two of them, and her Little Man.   For privacy and permission reasons, I have not included a photo of him, but he is as adorable as his mama.   It seems I was a great hit, having provided an I-Pad for him to play with!

All in all, this trip to Calgary has been the highlight of my year!  

(Also, please note that this is my post for August, so I am not behind any more!)











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